D Stage (Tank)


Length 120ft 37m
Width 90ft 27m
Pitched Roof *highest point 26.9ft 8.2m
Pitched Roof *lowest point 19.1ft 5.8m
Stage Size 10,800ft² 999m²
All measurements are approximate and should be verified before commencement of works.
Tank Lid
Maximum Tank Decking Load (when used as a dry stage) 1,000Kg / per 10 ft² 1,000Kg / per m²
Tank Dimensions
Length 60ft 18m
Width 60ft 18m
Depth 20ft 6m
Volume 72,000ft³ 2,039m³
Water Capacity 448,476 gal 2,038,515 ltr
Heated Yes, triple gas boiler system with two heat exchangers
Filtered Yes, UV purifcation system with automatic chemical dosing and 10 large sand filters
Chemicals Typical frst week 32 drums of liquid chlorine and 250kg dry acid. This tends to reduce once the chemical balance is stabilised
Tank Hire Includes
Tank labour (5 days p/wk OT applies after 10 hours and 6th & 7th day), Filling (2,500,000 liters to fill plus back-washing), heating (natural gas for initial warm up to 32°C), filtration system and chemicals (approx. 32 drums of liquid chlorine per week & 250kg dry acid powder per week).
Runway/Lifting Beams
SWL - Load Between Trusses 1,102lb 500Kg
Stage Doors
1 x Large Door 17'9" x 19'4" 5.41m x 5.88m
Floor Type
Concrete and wood
Electrical Supply
Maximum Electrical Load AC available Load 1.5 megawatts 3Ø / 6no. x 400a powerlock sockets
Air handling units
Fire Protection
Sprinkler System 93 °C
Smoke Dectectors Yes
Note: The stage is protected with a wet sprinkler system. WBSL Studio Support should be notified of any works or effects that are likely to create a high temperature.
Water On stage Yes
Voice & Data
Available Yes
Number Of Voice/Data Outlets 20
Internet/Network Connectivity Yes
Wireless Connectivity Yes
D Stage Prep Information
Stage Conversion (dry/wet) 1 week
Filling Time 2 ½ days
Heating Time up to 32° 2-4 days
Tank Viewing Window Yes


All diving requirements are booked directly between the production and the diving company of choice. Please be advised rental of the tank excludes the following;

  • Health and safety requirements/equipment/cover
  • Diving services requirements
  • Wave machine


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