The Charity Hub

The Charity Hub provides a base for a selection of fantastic local charities, creating an environment for collaboration and support, allowing the charities to focus their resources on providing their much needed services. Charities currently located within the Hub include:

Forever Young People aim to inspire young people, children and community groups to feel valued, empowered, and confident in their abilities through their coaching/mentoring programmes, engaging young people through conversational based learning.

Herts Schools Outreach (HSO) is a mental health charity that works with schools to support and empower all children and young people, across the UK, who are at risk of poor mental health to recognize early warning signs and prevent them from escalating in crises.

Home-Start Watford and Three Rivers helps families in Watford, Three Rivers and Hertsmere, with at least one child under 5, deal with the challenges they face. They intervene early to support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children.

Keech Hospice Care is an all-age hospice, providing care for children with a life-limiting condition from Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire & Milton Keynes, and adults from Bedfordshire, and their loved ones. It has been caring for adult patients for over 30 years and child patients for over 20 years, providing a range of services both within their hospice buildings and more extensively out in the local community.

Say it with a Smile is a registered charitable organisation dedicated to supporting people diagnosed with dementia and their loved ones in Watford and the surrounding areas.

Sunnyside Rural Trust was founded in 1990 as a small, horticultural project for young people and adults with learning disabilities. It is now a thriving charity and social enterprise, offering training and work experience for over 170 vulnerable people in the local community.

Watford & Three Rivers Trust (W3RT) lead the CVS service supporting charities with fundraising, governance and providing support, advice, partnership opportunities and guidance to ensure their ongoing success. With support from key partners and donors, they have raised and distributed nearly £1m to local charities and have supported their member organisations to raise more than £1m.
Charity Registration number: 1085518
T: 01923 216950