Our Community

Although we’re a world-renowned production studio, we’re very much a local business. A strong sense of community is at the heart of our ethos. As a major employer in the area, and with a wealth of connections to local businesses, educational establishments and charities, we’re serious about being a good neighbour and a positive member of our community.

Engaging Locally

We’re proud to partner with a wide network of local charities, schools and non-profit organisations. We’re committed to supporting and working with them in many ways, from fundraising and volunteering, to sponsorship, skills sharing and donations. And we’re also delighted to be working closely with the Hertfordshire Chamber of Conscience, to help support our local community.

Supporting skills training and careers

Around 60% of the people working at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden live in the local area and the people who work here all come from different career paths. We support several scholarships, apprenticeship programmes and placements, and have established excellent relationships with local schools and universities. We offer employment opportunities across a huge variety of different roles. There really is something for everyone. Find out more about working here.

Meet The Wonderworks

The WonderWorks is here to support families who work in film and television. In our bespoke nursery facility, we provide accessible, affordable and flexible childcare services where they’re needed most. The WonderWorks opened in 2020 and is the first dedicated on-site childcare facility at any UK studio. To make sure the local community enjoys the benefits, we also make places available for local children.

Stay up to date

We’ll be keeping everyone in the loop about our plans and progress. If you’d like to receive updates about our plans, consultation process and events, please leave your details below and we’ll be in touch soon.

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